Consultant Role: Family Planning Partnership and Engagement Technical Advisor

East Africa -

29 Sep 2023

East Africa -

Community & Social Services

Part Time


15 years

16 Oct 2023

Consultant Role: Family Planning Partnership and Engagement Technical Advisor 

Location: East Africa (must be currently living in East Africa)

Level of effort: projected at 10hrs per week for a 1 year engagement 

Deadline to apply: October 15, 2023

Our Vision and Mission – WomenLift Health envisions a world where diverse, accomplished leaders collectively transform health outcomes. To realize that vision, we seek to expand the power and influence of talented mid-career women in health and engage with senior institutional and societal leaders to catalyze systemic change for gender equality in health leadership. We work in North America, East Africa, India, and Southern Africa and continue to explore expansion to other regions. 

Our Work – Established in 2019, we work to advance equality in health leadership through a range of actions at the individual, institutional, and societal levels. This includes “Leadership Journeys,” which focus on equipping mid-career women with tools, along with peer, mentor and coach support, to successfully use their voice, expertise and leadership for impact. It includes pushing conversations and partnerships with senior leaders in health institutions, taking steps to prioritize gender equality. It also includes supporting/ convening global conversations about the importance of women’s leadership, amplifying the voices of national and global health leaders including at the bi-annual WomenLift Health Conference.  


Women Lift Health is tailoring its leadership training program for women leaders to meet the needs of a cohort of women from the family planning and contraceptive access community in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan and Tanzania) in 2024 and East and Southern Africa in 2025.  The objective of this training is to strengthen the leadership capacity of mid- to senior-career African women leaders in the Family Planning community to improve family planning outcomes.  This training focuses on human leadership skills rather than technical skills.   

The FP Technical Advisor will provide insight and guidance to the WomenLift Health East Africa Director on family planning partners, leaders and topics, and support contextualizing training language and case studies to resonate with the family planning community.  The Technical Advisor will also support the Director to cultivate a network of African Family Planning women leaders across countries, disciplines, and institutions to connect, lead, and be change agents for action.  

This position will ensure the engagement of FP partners, appropriate tailoring of the established leadership curricula to reflect FP priorities and issues and the design of a select number of FP specific sessions including speaker's events.  This position is contingent upon award from the donor.  

Assignment Description

Leadership Journey 

  • Provide support to the Director to engage partners, select candidates, and launch the Family Planning (FP) and Contraceptive Access Leadership Journey and its related activities.  
  • Work with the facilitator to support the integration of FP and Contraceptive access language and stories to contextualize the leadership training curricula.  
  • Support the Director to stay connected with evolving challenges and priorities in the FP and Contraceptive Access, especially as these may apply to the leadership training program  
  • Provide concrete support to the implementation of the Leadership Journey, including serving on the selection committee, identifying FP speakers and mentors, and potentially supporting the development of leadership projects of the women in the cohort.  

Partner engagement 

  • Create a database of partners in the FP and Contraceptive access sector in East and Southern Africa.  
  • Support Partner engagement in the thematic leadership cycle through the process of cohort nomination, selection, launch and the leadership journey offerings. 
  • Support a Working Group comprised of FP and Contraceptive access partners, donor, and Women Lift Health staff.  The objective of the Working Group is to engage, get guidance on the design and develop the buy-in of these key partners for the FP leadership program.   

Monitoring Evaluation and Learning 

  • Work with SPM and MEL Lead to design, implement a plan to track data/results related to FP and Contraceptive access thematic leadership journey  
  • Support the SPM in data collection, analysis and development of conclusions and recommendations to further strengthen thematic leadership journey implementation. 
  • Document and maintain an inventory of successful tools and approaches for FP and contraceptive access 
  • Support development of abstracts and presentations for journals and conference for the cohort and Women Lift Health 

If interested, please submit a proposal and include:  

  • Hourly rate  
  • Availability  
  • Resume/experience 
  • Why you are interested and why you are a good fit  
  • Two References